l.s.i.a.IPPA(IArchive) : interface documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.interfaces.archive View In Hierarchy

Marker interface so traversal works differently for PPAs.

Inherited from IArchivePublic (via IArchive):

Attribute id The archive ID.
Bool enabled Accept and build packages uploaded to the archive.
Attribute is_primary True if this archive is a primary archive.
Attribute is_ppa True if this archive is a PPA.
Attribute is_partner True if this archive is a partner archive.
Attribute is_copy True if this archive is a copy archive.
Bool is_main Undocumented
Method checkArchivePermission Check to see if person is allowed to upload to component.

Inherited from IPrivacy (via IArchive, IArchivePublic):

Bool private Private objects are visible to members or subscribers.

Inherited from IHasOwner (via IArchive, IArchivePublic):

Attribute owner The object's owner, which is an IPerson.

Inherited from IArchiveAppend (via IArchive):

Method syncSources Synchronise (copy) named sources into this archive from another.
Method syncSource Synchronise (copy) a single named source into this archive.
Method newSubscription Create a new subscribtion to this archive.
Method removeCopyNotification Remove a copy notification that's displayed on the +packages page.

Inherited from IArchiveEdit (via IArchive):

Method newPackageUploader Add permisson for a person to upload a package to this archive.
Method newComponentUploader Add permission for a person to upload to a component.
Method newPocketUploader Add permission for a person to upload to a pocket.
Method newQueueAdmin Add permission for a person to administer a distroseries queue.
Method newPocketQueueAdmin Add permission for a person to administer a distroseries queue.
Method newPackagesetUploader Add a package set based permission for a person.
Method deletePackageUploader Revoke permission for the person to upload the package.
Method deleteComponentUploader Revoke permission for the person to upload to the component.
Method deletePocketUploader Revoke permission for the person to upload to the pocket.
Method deleteQueueAdmin Revoke permission for the person to administer distroseries queues.
Method deletePocketQueueAdmin Revoke permission for the person to administer distroseries queues.
Method deletePackagesetUploader Revoke upload permissions for a person.
Method enable Enable the archive.
Method disable Disable the archive.
Method addArchiveDependency Record an archive dependency record for the context archive.
Method removeArchiveDependency Remove the IArchiveDependency record for the given dependency.
Method newNamedAuthToken Create a new named authorization token.
Method newNamedAuthTokens Create named authorization tokens in bulk.
Method getNamedAuthToken Return a named authorization token for the given name in this
Method getNamedAuthTokens Return a subset of active named authorization tokens for this
Method revokeNamedAuthToken Deactivate a named authorization token.
Method revokeNamedAuthTokens Deactivate named authorization tokens in bulk.
Method markSuiteDirty Mark a suite as dirty in this archive.
Method _addArchiveDependency Record an archive dependency record for the context archive.

Inherited from IArchiveDelete (via IArchive):

Method delete Delete this archive.

Inherited from IArchiveSubscriberView (via IArchive):

Attribute archive_url External archive URL.
Bool is_active Undocumented
Attribute num_pkgs_building Tuple of packages building and waiting to build
Bool publish Whether or not to update the apt repository. If disabled, nothing will be published. If the archive is private then additionally no builds will be dispatched.
Bool can_be_published True if this archive can be published, considering both the explicit publish flag and any other constraints.
Attribute series_with_sources DistroSeries to which this archive has published sources
Object signing_key Undocumented
Method getSigningKeyData Get the public key used to sign this repository.
Method getAuthToken Returns an IArchiveAuthToken for the archive in question for
Method api_getPublishedSources All ISourcePackagePublishingHistory target to this archive.
Method getPublishedSources All ISourcePackagePublishingHistory target to this archive.
Method newAuthToken Create a new authorization token.

Inherited from IArchiveView (via IArchive):

TextLine title Undocumented
Int purpose Undocumented
Int sources_cached Number of source packages cached in this PPA.
Int binaries_cached Number of binary packages cached in this PPA.
Attribute package_description_cache Concatenation of the source and binary packages published in this archive. Its content is used for indexed searches across archives.
Attribute number_of_sources The number of sources published in the context archive.
Attribute number_of_binaries The number of binaries published in the context archive.
Attribute sources_size The size of sources published in the context archive.
Attribute binaries_size The size of binaries published in the context archive.
Attribute estimated_size Estimated archive size.
Int total_count The total number of builds in this archive. This counter does not include discontinued (superseded, cancelled, obsoleted) builds
Int pending_count The number of pending builds in this archive.
Int succeeded_count The number of successful builds in this archive.
Int building_count The number of active builds in this archive.
Int failed_count The number of failed builds in this archive.
Datetime date_created The time when the archive was created.
Attribute dirty_suites Suites that the next publisher run should publish regardless of pending publications.
Attribute available_processors The architectures that are available to be enabled or disabled for this archive.
Method setProcessors Set the architectures on which the archive can build.
Method getSourcesForDeletion All ISourcePackagePublishingHistory available for deletion.
Method getPublishedOnDiskBinaries Unique IBinaryPackagePublishingHistory target to this archive.
Method allowUpdatesToReleasePocket Return whether the archive allows publishing to the release pocket.
Method getComponentsForSeries Calculate the components available for use in this archive.
Method updateArchiveCache Concentrate cached information about the archive contents.
Method findDepCandidates Return matching binaries in this archive and its dependencies.
Method getPermissions Get the IArchivePermission record with the supplied details.
Method canUploadSuiteSourcePackage Check if 'person' upload 'suitesourcepackage' to 'archive'.
Method canModifySuite Decides whether or not to allow uploads for a given DS/pocket.
Method checkUploadToPocket Check if an upload to a particular archive and pocket is possible.
Method checkUpload Check if 'person' upload 'suitesourcepackage' to 'archive'.
Method verifyUpload Can 'person' upload 'sourcepackagename' to this archive ?
Method canAdministerQueue Check to see if person is allowed to administer queue items.
Method getFileByName Return the corresponding ILibraryFileAlias in this context.
Method getSourceFileByName Return the ILibraryFileAlias for a source name/version/filename.
Method getBinaryPackageRelease Find the specified IBinaryPackageRelease in the archive.
Method getBinaryPackageReleaseByFileName Return the corresponding IBinaryPackageRelease in this context.
Method requestPackageCopy Return a new PackageCopyRequest for this archive.
Method getUploadersForPackageset The ArchivePermission records for uploaders to the package set.
Method getPackagesetsForUploader The ArchivePermission records for the person's package sets.
Method getComponentsForUploader Return the components that 'person' can upload to this archive.
Method getPocketsForUploader Return the pockets that 'person' can upload to this archive.
Method getPackagesetsForSourceUploader The package set based permissions for a given source and uploader.
Method getPackagesetsForSource All package set based permissions for the given source.
Method isSourceUploadAllowed True if the person is allowed to upload the given source package.
Method updatePackageDownloadCount Update the daily download count for a given package.
Method getPackageDownloadTotal Get the total download count for a given package.
Method getPockets Return iterable containing valid pocket names for this archive.
Method getOverridePolicy Returns an instantiated IOverridePolicy for the archive.
TextLine buildd_secret The password used by the build farm to access the archive.
Method getAllPublishedBinaries All IBinaryPackagePublishingHistory target to this archive.
Method getBuildCounters Return a dictionary containing the build counters for an archive.
Method getBuildSummariesForSourceIds Return a dictionary containing a summary of the build statuses.
Method getArchiveDependency Return the IArchiveDependency object for the given dependency.
Method getAllPermissions Return all IArchivePermission records for this archive.
Method getPermissionsForPerson Return the IArchivePermission records applicable to the person.
Method getUploadersForPackage Return IArchivePermission records for the package's uploaders.
Method getUploadersForComponent Return IArchivePermission records for the component's uploaders.
Method getQueueAdminsForComponent Return IArchivePermission records for authorized queue admins.
Method getComponentsForQueueAdmin Return IArchivePermission for the person's queue admin
Method getUploadersForPocket Return IArchivePermission records for the pocket's uploaders.
Method getQueueAdminsForPocket Return IArchivePermission records for authorized queue admins.
Method getPocketsForQueueAdmin Return IArchivePermission for the person's queue admin pockets.
Method hasAnyPermission Whether or not this person has any permission at all on this
Method getPackageDownloadCount Get the IBinaryPackageDownloadCount with the given key.
Method getFilesAndSha1s Return a dictionary with the filenames and the SHA1s for each
Method copyPackage Copy a single named source into this archive.
Method copyPackages Copy multiple named sources into this archive from another.
Method _checkUpload Wrapper around checkUpload for the web service API.

Inherited from IHasBuildRecords (via IArchive, IArchiveView):

Method getBuildRecords Return build records in the context it is implemented.

Inherited from IArchiveAdmin (via IArchive):

Method enableRestrictedProcessor Add the processor to the set of enabled restricted processors.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.