l.s.b.a.ArchiveEditDependenciesView(ArchiveViewBase, LaunchpadFormView) : class documentation

Part of lp.soyuz.browser.archive View In Hierarchy

Archive dependencies view class.
Method initialize Undocumented
Method setUpFields Override LaunchpadFormView.
Method focusedElementScript Override LaunchpadFormView.
Method createSelectedDependenciesField Creates the 'selected_dependencies' field.
Method createPrimaryDependenciesField Create the 'primary_dependencies' field.
Method createPrimaryComponentsField Create the 'primary_components' field.
Method has_dependencies Whether or not the PPA has recorded dependencies.
Method messages Undocumented
Method save_action Save dependency configuration changes.
Method _remove_dependencies Perform the removal of the selected dependencies.
Method _add_ppa_dependencies Record the selected dependency.
Method _add_primary_dependencies Record the selected dependency.

Inherited from ArchiveViewBase:

Method private Undocumented
Method repository_usage Return a dictionary with usage details of this repository.
Method archive_label Return either 'PPA' or 'Archive' as the label for archives.
Method build_counters Return a dict representation of the build counters.
Method dependencies Undocumented
Method show_dependencies Whether or not to present the archive-dependencies section.
Method has_disabled_dependencies Whether this archive has disabled archive dependencies or not.
Method package_copy_requests Return any package copy requests associated with this archive.
Method disabled_warning_message Return an appropriate message if the archive is disabled.

Inherited from SourcesListEntriesWidget (via ArchiveViewBase):

Method sources_list_entries Setup and return the sources list entries widget.
Method active_token Return the corresponding current token for this subscription.
Method archive_url Return an archive_url where available, or None.
Method has_sources Whether or not this PPA has any sources for the view.

Inherited from LaunchpadFormView:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method render Return the body of the response.
Method extendFields Allow subclasses to extend the form fields.
Method setUpWidgets Set up the widgets using the view's form fields and the context.
Method help_links Dictionary mapping field names to help links.
Method adapters Provide custom adapters for use when setting up the widgets.
Method action_url Set the default action URL for the form.
Method has_available_actions Does the view have any available actions that will render?
Method initial_values Override this in your subclass if you want any widgets to have
Method addError Add a form wide error.
Method getFieldError Get the error associated with a particular field.
Method setFieldError Set the error associated with a particular field.
Static Method validate_none Do not do any validation.
Method validate_widgets Validate the named form widgets.
Method error_count Undocumented
Method ajax_failure_handler Called by the form if validate() finds any errors.
Method validate Validate the form.
Method validate_cancel Noop validation in case we cancel.
Method isSingleLineLayout Undocumented
Method isMultiLineLayout Undocumented
Method isCheckBoxLayout Undocumented
Method showOptionalMarker Should the (Optional) marker be shown?
Method _processNotifications Add any notification messages to the response headers.
Method _abort Abort the form edit.
Method _validate Check all widgets and perform any custom validation.
def initialize(self):
def setUpFields(self):
Override LaunchpadFormView.

In addition to setting schema fields, also initialize the 'selected_dependencies' field.

See createSelectedSourcesField method.

def focusedElementScript(self):
Override LaunchpadFormView.

Move focus to the 'dependency_candidate' input field when there is no recorded dependency to present. Otherwise it will default to the first recorded dependency checkbox.

def createSelectedDependenciesField(self):
Creates the 'selected_dependencies' field.

'selected_dependencies' is a list of elements of a vocabulary containing all the current recorded dependencies for the context PPA.

def createPrimaryDependenciesField(self):
Create the 'primary_dependencies' field.

'primary_dependency' widget is a choice, rendered as radio-buttons, with 5 options that provides PackagePublishingPocket as result:

|| Option || Value || || Release || RELEASE || || Security || SECURITY || || Default || UPDATES || || Proposed || PROPOSED || || Backports || BACKPORTS ||

When omitted in the form, this widget defaults for 'Default' option when rendered.

def createPrimaryComponentsField(self):
Create the 'primary_components' field.

'primary_components' widget is a choice, rendered as radio-buttons, with two options that provides an IComponent as its value:

|| Option || Value || || ALL_COMPONENTS || multiverse || || FOLLOW_PRIMARY || None ||

When omitted in the form, this widget defaults to 'All ubuntu components' option when rendered. Other components, such as 'main', or 'contrib' will be added to the list of options if they are used.

def has_dependencies(self):
Whether or not the PPA has recorded dependencies.
def messages(self):
def _remove_dependencies(self, data):
Perform the removal of the selected dependencies.
def _add_ppa_dependencies(self, data):
Record the selected dependency.
def _add_primary_dependencies(self, data):
Record the selected dependency.
@action(_('Save'), 'save')
def save_action(self, action, data):
Save dependency configuration changes.

See _remove_dependencies, _add_ppa_dependencies and _add_primary_dependencies.

Redirect to the same page once the form is processed, to avoid widget refreshing. And render a page notification with the summary of the changes made.

API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.