l.s.w.i.w.ILanguageSet(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of lp.services.worlddata.interfaces.webservice View In Hierarchy

The collection of languages.

The standard get method will return only the visible languages. If you want to access all languages known to Launchpad, use the getAllLanguages method.

Method getAllLanguages Return a result set of all ILanguages from Launchpad.
Method getDefaultLanguages An API wrapper for common_languages
Attribute common_languages An iterator over languages that are not hidden.
Method __iter__ Returns an iterator over all languages.
Method __getitem__ Return the language with the given code.
Method get Return the language with the given id.
Method getLanguageByCode Return the language with the given code or None.
Method keys Return an iterator over the language codes.
Method canonicalise_language_code Convert a language code to standard xx_YY form.
Method codes_to_languages Convert a list of ISO language codes to language objects.
Method createLanguage Return a new created language.
Method search Return a result set of ILanguage that match the search.
def getAllLanguages(want_translators_count=False):
Return a result set of all ILanguages from Launchpad.
def getDefaultLanguages(want_translators_count=False):
An API wrapper for common_languages
common_languages =
An iterator over languages that are not hidden.
def __iter__():
Returns an iterator over all languages.
def __getitem__(code):
Return the language with the given code.

If there is no language with the give code, raise NotFoundError exception.

def get(language_id):
Return the language with the given id.
def getLanguageByCode(code):
Return the language with the given code or None.
def keys():
Return an iterator over the language codes.
def canonicalise_language_code(code):
Convert a language code to standard xx_YY form.
def codes_to_languages(codes):
Convert a list of ISO language codes to language objects.

Unrecognised language codes are ignored.

def createLanguage(code, englishname, nativename=None, pluralforms=None, pluralexpression=None, visible=True, direction=TextDirection.LTR):
Return a new created language.
ParameterscodeISO 639 language code.
englishnameEnglish name for the new language.
nativenameNative language name.
pluralformsNumber of plural forms.
pluralexpressionPlural form expression.
visibleWhether this language should be showed by default.
directionText direction, either 'left to right' or 'right to left'.
def search(text):
Return a result set of ILanguage that match the search.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.