l.s.g.interfaces : module documentation

Part of lp.services.gpg

No module docstring
Function valid_fingerprint Is the fingerprint of valid form.
Function valid_keyid Is the key of valid form.
Function get_gpg_path Return the path to the GPG executable we prefer.
Function get_gpgme_context Return a new appropriately-configured GPGME context.
Class GPGKeyAlgorithm GPG Compliant Key Algorithms Types:
Class MoreThanOneGPGKeyFound More than one GPG key was found.
Class GPGKeyNotFoundError The GPG key with the given fingerprint was not found on the keyserver.
Class GPGKeyTemporarilyNotFoundError The GPG key with the given fingerprint was not found on the keyserver.
Class GPGKeyDoesNotExistOnServer The GPG key with the given fingerprint was not found on the keyserver.
Class GPGKeyRevoked The given GPG key was revoked.
Class GPGKeyExpired The given GPG key has expired.
Class GPGKeyMismatchOnServer The keyserver returned the wrong key for a given fingerprint.
Class SecretGPGKeyImportDetected An attempt to import a secret GPG key.
Class GPGUploadFailure Raised when a key upload failed.
Class GPGVerificationError OpenPGP verification error.
Interface IGPGHandler Handler to perform OpenPGP operations.
Interface IPymeSignature pyME signature container.
Interface IPymeKey pyME key model.
Interface IPymeUserId pyME user ID
def valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
Is the fingerprint of valid form.
def valid_keyid(keyid):
Is the key of valid form.
def get_gpg_path():
Return the path to the GPG executable we prefer.

We stick to GnuPG 1 until we've worked out how to get things working with GnuPG 2.

def get_gpgme_context():
Return a new appropriately-configured GPGME context.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.