l.r.i.p.IProductSeriesView(ISeriesMixin, IHasAppointedDriver, IHasOwner, ISpecificationGoal, IHasMilestones, IHasOfficialBugTags, IHasExpirableBugs, IHasTranslationImports, IHasTranslationTemplates, IServiceUsage) : interface documentation

Part of lp.registry.interfaces.productseries View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: lp.registry.interfaces.webservice.IProductSeries

No interface docstring
Attribute parent The structural parent of this series - the product
Attribute release_files An iterator over the release files in this Series, sorted with latest release first.
Attribute packagings An iterator over the Packaging entries for this product series.
Attribute specifications The specifications targeted to this product series.
Attribute sourcepackages List of distribution packages for this product series
Int potemplate_count Undocumented
Attribute productserieslanguages The set of ProductSeriesLanguages for this series.
Method getCachedReleases Gets a cached copy of this series' releases.
Method getLatestRelease Gets the most recent release in the series.
Method getRelease Get the release in this series that has the specified version.
Method getPackage Return the SourcePackage for this project series in the supplied
Method getUbuntuTranslationFocusPackage Return the SourcePackage that packages this project in Ubuntu's
Method setPackaging Create or update a Packaging record for this product series,
Method getPackagingInDistribution Return all the Packaging entries for this product series for the
Method getPOTemplate Return the POTemplate with this name for the series.
Attribute releaseverstyle The version numbering style for this series of releases.
Attribute is_development_focus Is this series the development focus for the product?
Method getTimeline Return basic timeline data useful for creating a diagram.

Inherited from IHasDrivers (via ISeriesMixin):

Attribute drivers A list of drivers
Method personHasDriverRights Does the given person have launchpad.Driver rights on this object?

Inherited from IHasAppointedDriver:

Choice driver Undocumented

Inherited from IHasOwner:

Attribute owner The object's owner, which is an IPerson.

Inherited from ISpecificationTarget (via ISpecificationGoal):

Method getSpecification Returns the specification with the given name, for this target,
Method getAllowedSpecificationInformationTypes Get the InformationTypes for this target's specifications.
Method getDefaultSpecificationInformationType Get the default InformationType for the target's specifications.

Inherited from IHasSpecifications (via ISpecificationGoal, ISpecificationTarget):

Method valid_specifications Valid specifications for this target.

Inherited from IHasMilestones:

Bool has_milestones Undocumented

Inherited from IHasOfficialBugTags:

Method getUsedBugTagsWithOpenCounts Return name and bug count of tags having open bugs.
Method _getOfficialTagClause Get the storm clause for finding this targets tags.

Inherited from IHasTranslationImports:

Method getFirstEntryToImport Return the first entry of the queue ready to be imported.
Method getTranslationImportQueueEntries Return entries in the translation import queue for this entity.

Inherited from IHasTranslationTemplates:

Bool has_translation_templates Undocumented
Bool has_current_translation_templates Undocumented
Bool has_obsolete_translation_templates Undocumented
Bool has_sharing_translation_templates Undocumented
Bool has_translation_files Undocumented
Method getTemplatesCollection Return templates as a TranslationTemplatesCollection.
Method getSharingPartner Return the object on the other side of the packaging link.
Method getCurrentTemplatesCollection Return TranslationTemplatesCollection of current templates.
Method getCurrentTranslationTemplates Return an iterator over all active translation templates.
Method getCurrentTranslationFiles Return an iterator over all active translation files.
Method getTranslationTemplates Return an iterator over all its translation templates.
Method getTranslationTemplateByName Return the template with the given name or None.
Method getTranslationTemplateFormats A list of native formats for all current translation templates.

Inherited from IServiceUsage:

Choice answers_usage Where does this pillar have an Answers forum?
Choice blueprints_usage Where does this pillar host blueprints?
Choice codehosting_usage Where does this pillar host code?
Choice bug_tracking_usage Where does this pillar track bugs?
Bool uses_launchpad Undocumented
parent =
The structural parent of this series - the product
release_files =
An iterator over the release files in this Series, sorted with latest release first.
packagings =
An iterator over the Packaging entries for this product series.
specifications =
The specifications targeted to this product series.
sourcepackages =
List of distribution packages for this product series
potemplate_count =
productserieslanguages =
The set of ProductSeriesLanguages for this series.
def getCachedReleases():
Gets a cached copy of this series' releases.

Returns None if there is no release.

def getLatestRelease():
Gets the most recent release in the series.

Returns None if there is no release.

def getRelease(version):
Get the release in this series that has the specified version. Return None is there is no such release.
def getPackage(distroseries):
Return the SourcePackage for this project series in the supplied distroseries. This will use a Packaging record if one exists, but it will also work through the ancestry of the distroseries to try to find a Packaging entry that may be relevant.
def getUbuntuTranslationFocusPackage():
Return the SourcePackage that packages this project in Ubuntu's translation focus or current series or any series, in that order.
def setPackaging(distroseries, sourcepackagename, owner):
Create or update a Packaging record for this product series, connecting it to the given distroseries and source package name.
def getPackagingInDistribution(distribution):
Return all the Packaging entries for this product series for the given distribution. Note that this only returns EXPLICT packaging entries, it does not look at distro series ancestry in the same way that IProductSeries.getPackage() does.
def getPOTemplate(name):
Return the POTemplate with this name for the series.
releaseverstyle =
The version numbering style for this series of releases.
is_development_focus =
Is this series the development focus for the product?
@operation_parameters(Bool(_('Include inactive'), False, False))
def getTimeline(include_inactive):
Return basic timeline data useful for creating a diagram.

The number of milestones returned is limited.

API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.