l.r.b.p.PersonIndexView(XRDSContentNegotiationMixin, PersonView, TeamJoinMixin) : class documentation

Part of lp.registry.browser.person View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: lp.registry.browser.team.TeamIndexView

Implements interfaces: lp.registry.browser.person.IPersonIndexMenu

View class for person +index and +xrds pages.
Method initialize Undocumented
Method page_title Undocumented
Method description_widget The description as a widget.
Method page_description Undocumented
Method enable_xrds_discovery Only enable discovery if person is OpenID enabled.
Method openid_server_url The OpenID Server endpoint URL for Launchpad.
Method openid_identity_url The public OpenID identity URL. That's the profile page.
Method processForm Undocumented

Inherited from XRDSContentNegotiationMixin:

Method xrds Render the XRDS document for this content object.
Method render Render a page supporting XRDS discovery.
Method _getURL Return the URL as sent by the browser.

Inherited from PersonView:

Method should_show_ubuntu_coc_section Should the 'Code of Conduct' section be shown?
Method should_show_ircnicknames_section Should the 'IRC nicknames' section be shown?
Method should_show_jabberids_section Should the 'Jabber IDs' section be shown?
Method should_show_sshkeys_section Should the 'SSH keys' section be shown?
Method should_show_gpgkeys_section Should the 'OpenPGP keys' section be shown?
Method gpg_keys A cached version of the users OpenPGP keys.
Method is_probationary_or_invalid_user True when the user is not active or does not have karma.
Method recently_approved_members Undocumented
Method recently_proposed_members Undocumented
Method recently_invited_members Undocumented
Method recently_approved_hidden Optionally hide the div.
Method recently_proposed_hidden Optionally hide the div.
Method recently_invited_hidden Optionally hide the div.
Method openpolls Undocumented
Method closedpolls Undocumented
Method notyetopenedpolls Undocumented
Method contributions Cache the results of getProjectsAndCategoriesContributedTo().
Method contributed_categories Return all karma categories in which this person has some karma.
Method context_is_probably_a_team Return True if we have any indication that context is a team.
Method is_delegated_identity Should the page delegate identity to the OpenId identitier.
Method getURLToAssignedBugsInProgress Return an URL to a page which lists all bugs assigned to this
Method assigned_bugs_in_progress Return up to 5 assigned bugs that are In Progress.
Method assigned_specs_in_progress Return up to 5 assigned specs that are being worked on.
Method has_assigned_bugs_or_specs_in_progress Does the user have any bugs or specs that are being worked on?
Method viewing_own_page Undocumented
Method can_contact Can the user contact this context (this person or team)?
Method should_show_polls_portlet Undocumented
Method has_current_polls Return True if this team has any non-closed polls.
Method userIsOwner Return True if the user is the owner of this Team.
Method findUserPathToTeam Undocumented
Method userIsParticipant Return true if the user is a participant of this team.
Method email_address_visibility The EmailAddressVisibleState of this person or team.
Method visible_email_addresses The list of email address that can be shown.
Method visible_email_address_description A description of who can see a user's email addresses.
Method showSSHKeys Return a data structure used for display of raw SSH keys
Method archive_url Return a url to a mailing list archive for the team's list.
Method languages The user's preferred languages, or English if none are set.
Method should_show_ppa_section Return True if "Personal package archives" is to be shown.
Method visible_ppas Undocumented
Method time_zone_offset Return a string with offset from UTC

Inherited from FeedsMixin (via PersonView):

Method feed_links Undocumented

Inherited from ContactViaWebLinksMixin (via PersonView):

Method group_to_contact Contacting a team may contact different email addresses.
Method contact_link_title Return the appropriate +contactuser link title for the tooltip.
Method specific_contact_text Return the appropriate link text.

Inherited from TeamJoinMixin:

Method user_can_subscribe_to_list Can the prospective member subscribe to this team's mailing list?
Method user_is_subscribed_to_list Is the user subscribed to the team's mailing list?
Method team_has_mailing_list Is the team mailing list available for subscription?
Method user_is_active_member Return True if the user is an active member of this team.
Method user_is_proposed_member Return True if the user is a proposed member of this team.
Method user_can_request_to_leave Return true if the user can request to leave this team.
def initialize(self):
def page_title(self):
def description_widget(self):
The description as a widget.
def page_description(self):
def enable_xrds_discovery(self):
Only enable discovery if person is OpenID enabled.
def openid_server_url(self):
The OpenID Server endpoint URL for Launchpad.
def openid_identity_url(self):
The public OpenID identity URL. That's the profile page.
def processForm(self):
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.