l.c.i.branchnamespace : module documentation

Part of lp.code.interfaces

Interface for a branch namespace.
Interface IBranchNamespace A namespace that a branch lives in.
Interface IBranchNamespacePolicy Methods relating to branch creation and validation.
Interface IBranchNamespaceSet Interface for getting branch namespaces.
Function get_branch_namespace Undocumented
Function lookup_branch_namespace Undocumented
Function split_unique_name Return the namespace and branch name of a unique name.
def get_branch_namespace(person, product=None, distroseries=None, sourcepackagename=None):
def lookup_branch_namespace(namespace_name):
def split_unique_name(unique_name):
Return the namespace and branch name of a unique name.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.