l.b.i.w.IMaloneApplication(ILaunchpadApplication, IHasBugs) : interface documentation

Part of lp.bugs.interfaces.webservice View In Hierarchy

Application root for malone.
Method getBugData Search bugtasks matching the specified criteria.
Attribute bug_count The number of bugs recorded in Launchpad
Attribute bugwatch_count The number of links to external bug trackers
Attribute bugtask_count The number of bug tasks in Launchpad
Attribute projects_with_bugs_count The number of products and distributions which have bugs in Launchpad.
Attribute shared_bug_count The number of bugs that span multiple products and distributions
Attribute bugtracker_count The number of bug trackers in Launchpad
Attribute top_bugtrackers The BugTrackers with the most watches.
Method empty_list Return an empty set - only exists to keep lazr.restful happy.
Method createBug Create a bug (with an appropriate bugtask) and return it.

Inherited from ILaunchpadApplication:

Attribute title Title

Inherited from IHasBugs:

Method searchTasks Search the IBugTasks reported on this entity.
Method getBugTaskWeightFunction Return a function that is used to weight the bug tasks.
@operation_parameters(copy_field(IBug['id']), Reference(IBug))
def getBugData(user, bug_id, related_bug=None):
Search bugtasks matching the specified criteria.

The only criteria currently supported is to search for a bugtask with the specified bug id.

Returnsa list of matching bugs represented as json data
bug_count =
The number of bugs recorded in Launchpad
bugwatch_count =
The number of links to external bug trackers
bugtask_count =
The number of bug tasks in Launchpad
projects_with_bugs_count =
The number of products and distributions which have bugs in Launchpad.
shared_bug_count =
The number of bugs that span multiple products and distributions
bugtracker_count =
The number of bug trackers in Launchpad
top_bugtrackers =
The BugTrackers with the most watches.
def empty_list():
Return an empty set - only exists to keep lazr.restful happy.
@operation_parameters(Reference(IBugTarget, True, u'The project, distribution or source package that has this bug.'))
@export_factory_operation(IBug, 'title''description''tags''information_type''security_related''private')
def createBug(owner, title, description, target, information_type=None, tags=None, security_related=None, private=None):

Create a bug (with an appropriate bugtask) and return it.

Things to note when using this factory:

  • The reporter will be subscribed to the bug.
  • Only people that the project shares with will see the bug when the bug's information type is Proprietary, Private, or Private Security.
ParameterstargetThe Project, Distribution or DistributionSourcePackage affected by this bug.
titleThe title shown in bug listings.
descriptionThe description of the issue.
information_typeSet the bug's information type to one different from the project's default. The type must conform to the project's bug sharing policy. (optional)
tagsA list of bug tags. (optional)
security_relatedIs this bug's information type Private Security? (deprecated)
tagsIs this bug's information type Private user data. (deprecated)
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.