l.b.b.t.test_bugtask : module documentation

Part of lp.bugs.browser.tests

No module docstring
Function getFeedViewCache Return JSON cache for a feed's delegate view.
Class TestBugTaskView Undocumented
Class TestBugTasksNominationsView Undocumented
Class TestBugTasksTableView Undocumented
Class TestBugTaskDeleteLinks Test that the delete icons/links are correctly rendered.
Class TestBugTaskDeleteView Test the bug task delete form.
Class TestBugTasksAndNominationsViewAlsoAffects Tests the boolean methods on the view used to indicate whether the
Class TestBugTaskEditViewStatusField We show only those options as possible value in the status
Class TestBugTaskEditViewAssigneeField Undocumented
Class TestBugTaskEditView Test the bug task edit form.
Class BugTaskViewTestMixin No class docstring; 2/4 methods documented
Class TestPersonBugs Test the bugs overview page for distributions.
Class TestDistributionBugs Test the bugs overview page for distributions.
Class TestDistroSeriesBugs Test the bugs overview page for distro series.
Class TestDistributionSourcePackageBugs Test the bugs overview page for distribution source packages.
Class TestDistroSeriesSourcePackageBugs Test the bugs overview page for distro series source packages.
Class TestProductBugs Test the bugs overview page for projects.
Class TestProductSeriesBugs Test the bugs overview page for project series.
Class TestProjectGroupBugs Test the bugs overview page for project groups.
Class TestBugActivityItem Undocumented
Class TestCommentCollapseVisibility Test for the conditions around display of collapsed/hidden comments.
Class TestBugTaskBatchedCommentsAndActivityView Tests for the BugTaskBatchedCommentsAndActivityView class.
Function make_bug_task_listing_item Undocumented
Class TestBugTaskSearchListingView No class docstring; 32/37 methods, 1/1 static methods documented
Class TestBugTaskExpirableListingView Test BugTaskExpirableListingView.
Class TestBugListingBatchNavigator No class docstring; 1/1 methods documented
Class TestBugTaskListingItem No class docstring; 9/9 methods documented
def getFeedViewCache(target, feed_cls):
Return JSON cache for a feed's delegate view.
def make_bug_task_listing_item(factory, bugtask=None, target_context=no_target_specified):
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.