l.b.b.p.PersonAffectingBugTaskSearchListingView(FilteredSearchListingViewMixin) : class documentation

Part of lp.bugs.browser.person View In Hierarchy

All bugs affecting someone.
Method getExtraParams Undocumented
Method shouldShowAssigneeWidget Should the assignee widget be shown on the advanced search page?
Method shouldShowTeamPortlet Should the team assigned bugs portlet be shown?

Inherited from FilteredSearchListingViewMixin:

Method page_title Undocumented
Method searchUnbatched Return a SelectResults object for the GET search criteria.

Inherited from RelevantMilestonesMixin (via FilteredSearchListingViewMixin):

Method getMilestoneWidgetValues Return data used to render the milestone checkboxes.

Inherited from BugTaskSearchListingView (via FilteredSearchListingViewMixin):

Method bug_tracking_usage Whether the context tracks bugs in Launchpad.
Method external_bugtracker External bug tracking system designated for the context.
Method has_bugtracker Does the IBugTarget have a bug tracker or use Launchpad?
Method can_have_external_bugtracker Undocumented
Method bugtracker Description of the context's bugtracker.
Method upstream_project The linked upstream IProduct for the package.
Method upstream_launchpad_project The linked upstream IProduct for the package.
Method label Undocumented
Method schema Return the schema that defines the form.
Method feed_links Prevent conflicts between the page and the atom feed.
Method initialize Initialize the view with the request.
Method show_config_portlet Undocumented
Method columns_to_show Returns a sequence of column names to be shown in the listing.
Method template Undocumented
Method validate_search_params Validate the params passed for the search.
Method setUpWidgets Customize the onKeyPress event of the assignee chooser.
Method validate Validates the form.
Method buildSearchParams Build the BugTaskSearchParams object for the given arguments and
Method buildBugTaskSearchParams Build the parameters to submit to the searchTasks method.
Method search Return an ITableBatchNavigator for the GET search criteria.
Method getWidgetValues Return data used to render a field's widget.
Method getStatusWidgetValues Return data used to render the status checkboxes.
Method getImportanceWidgetValues Return data used to render the Importance checkboxes.
Method getInformationTypeWidgetValues Return data used to render the Information Type checkboxes.
Method getMilestoneWidgetValues Return data used to render the milestone checkboxes.
Method shouldShowCommenterWidget Show the commenter widget on the advanced search page?
Method shouldShowComponentWidget Show the component widget on the advanced search page?
Method shouldShowStructuralSubscriberWidget Should the structural subscriber widget be shown on the page?
Method shouldShowNoPackageWidget Should the widget to filter on bugs with no package be shown?
Method shouldShowReporterWidget Should the reporter widget be shown on the advanced search page?
Method shouldShowReleaseCriticalPortlet Should the page include a portlet showing release-critical bugs
Method shouldShowSubscriberWidget Show the subscriber widget on the advanced search page?
Method shouldShowUpstreamStatusBox Should the upstream status filtering widgets be shown?
Method structural_subscriber_label Undocumented
Method shouldShowTargetName Should the bug target name be displayed in the list of results?
Method shouldShowAdvancedForm Return True if the advanced form should be shown, or False.
Method should_show_bug_information Undocumented
Method form_has_errors Return True if the form has errors, otherwise False.
Method validateVocabulariesAdvancedForm Provides a meaningful message for vocabulary validation errors.
Method isUpstreamProduct Is the context a Product that does not use Malone?
Method addquestion_url Return the URL for the +addquestion view for the context.
Method _migrateOldUpstreamStatus Converts old upstream status value parameters to new ones.
Method _buildUpstreamStatusParams Convert the status_upstream value to parameters we can
Method _getBatchNavigator Return the batch navigator to be used to batch the bugtasks.
Method _upstreamContext Is this page being viewed in an upstream context?
Method _productSeriesContext Is this page being viewed in a product series context?
Method _projectContext Is this page being viewed in a project context?
Method _personContext Is this page being viewed in a person context?
Method _distributionContext Is this page being viewed in a distribution context?
Method _distroSeriesContext Is this page being viewed in a distroseries context?
Method _sourcePackageContext Is this view in a [distroseries] sourcepackage context?
Method _distroSourcePackageContext Is this page being viewed in a distribution sourcepackage context?

Inherited from LaunchpadFormView (via FilteredSearchListingViewMixin, BugTaskSearchListingView):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method render Return the body of the response.
Method extendFields Allow subclasses to extend the form fields.
Method setUpFields Undocumented
Method help_links Dictionary mapping field names to help links.
Method adapters Provide custom adapters for use when setting up the widgets.
Method action_url Set the default action URL for the form.
Method has_available_actions Does the view have any available actions that will render?
Method initial_values Override this in your subclass if you want any widgets to have
Method addError Add a form wide error.
Method getFieldError Get the error associated with a particular field.
Method setFieldError Set the error associated with a particular field.
Static Method validate_none Do not do any validation.
Method validate_widgets Validate the named form widgets.
Method error_count Undocumented
Method ajax_failure_handler Called by the form if validate() finds any errors.
Method validate_cancel Noop validation in case we cancel.
Method focusedElementScript Helper function to construct the script element content.
Method isSingleLineLayout Undocumented
Method isMultiLineLayout Undocumented
Method isCheckBoxLayout Undocumented
Method showOptionalMarker Should the (Optional) marker be shown?
Method _processNotifications Add any notification messages to the response headers.
Method _abort Abort the form edit.
Method _validate Check all widgets and perform any custom validation.

Inherited from BugsInfoMixin (via FilteredSearchListingViewMixin, BugTaskSearchListingView):

Method bugs_fixed_elsewhere_url A URL to a list of bugs fixed elsewhere.
Method open_cve_bugs_url A URL to a list of open bugs linked to CVEs.
Method open_cve_bugs_has_report Whether or not the context has a CVE report page.
Method pending_bugwatches_url A URL to a list of bugs that need a bugwatch.
Method expirable_bugs_url A URL to a list of bugs that can expire, or None.
Method new_bugs_url A URL to a page of new bugs.
Method inprogress_bugs_url A URL to a page of inprogress bugs.
Method open_bugs_url A URL to a list of open bugs.
Method critical_bugs_url A URL to a list of critical bugs.
Method high_bugs_url A URL to a list of high priority bugs.
Method my_bugs_url A URL to a list of bugs assigned to the user, or None.
Method my_affecting_bugs_url A URL to a list of bugs affecting the current user, or None if
Method my_reported_bugs_url A URL to a list of bugs reported by the user, or None.
def getExtraParams(self, context):
def shouldShowAssigneeWidget(self):
Should the assignee widget be shown on the advanced search page?
def shouldShowTeamPortlet(self):
Should the team assigned bugs portlet be shown?
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.