l.b.i.s.ISprintEditableAttributes(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of lp.blueprints.interfaces.sprint View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: lp.blueprints.interfaces.sprint.ISprint

ISprint attributes that can be edited.

Anyone can view these attributes, but changing them requires launchpad.Edit.

SprintNameField name A unique name for this sprint, or conference, or meeting. This will part of the URL so pick something short. A single word is all you get.
TextLine title Please provide a title for this meeting. This will be shown in listings of meetings.
Text summary A one-paragraph summary of the meeting plans and goals. Put the rest in a web page and link to it using the field below.
PublicPersonChoice driver The person or team that will manage the agenda of this meeting. Use this if you want to delegate the approval of agenda items to somebody else.
Text address The address of the meeting venue.
TextLine home_page A web page with further information about the event.
IconImageUpload icon A small image of exactly 14x14 pixels and at most 5kb in size, that can be used to identify this meeting. The icon will be displayed wherever we list and link to the meeting.
LogoImageUpload logo An image of exactly 64x64 pixels that will be displayed in the heading of all pages related to this meeting. It should be no bigger than 50kb in size.
MugshotImageUpload mugshot A large image of exactly 192x192 pixels, that will be displayed on this meeting's home page in Launchpad. It should be no bigger than 100kb in size.
Text homepage_content The content of this meeting's home page. Edit this and it will be displayed for all the world to see. It is NOT a wiki so you cannot undo changes.
Choice time_zone The time zone in which this sprint, or conference, takes place.
Datetime time_starts Undocumented
Datetime time_ends Undocumented
Bool is_physical Undocumented
name =
A unique name for this sprint, or conference, or meeting. This will part of the URL so pick something short. A single word is all you get.
title =
Please provide a title for this meeting. This will be shown in listings of meetings.
summary =
A one-paragraph summary of the meeting plans and goals. Put the rest in a web page and link to it using the field below.
driver =
The person or team that will manage the agenda of this meeting. Use this if you want to delegate the approval of agenda items to somebody else.
address =
The address of the meeting venue.
home_page =
A web page with further information about the event.
icon =
A small image of exactly 14x14 pixels and at most 5kb in size, that can be used to identify this meeting. The icon will be displayed wherever we list and link to the meeting.
logo =
An image of exactly 64x64 pixels that will be displayed in the heading of all pages related to this meeting. It should be no bigger than 50kb in size.
mugshot =
A large image of exactly 192x192 pixels, that will be displayed on this meeting's home page in Launchpad. It should be no bigger than 100kb in size.
homepage_content =
The content of this meeting's home page. Edit this and it will be displayed for all the world to see. It is NOT a wiki so you cannot undo changes.
time_zone =
The time zone in which this sprint, or conference, takes place.
time_starts =
time_ends =
is_physical =
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.