l.a.w.textwidgets : module documentation

Part of lp.app.widgets

No module docstring
Class StrippedTextWidget A widget that strips leading and trailing whitespaces.
Class LowerCaseTextWidget A widget that converts text to lower case.
Class TokensTextWidget A widget that normalises the space between words.
Class NoneableTextWidget A widget that that is None if it's value is empty or whitespace.
Class LocalDateTimeWidget A datetime widget that uses a particular time zone.
Class URIWidget A widget that represents a URI.
Class URIComponentWidget A text input widget that looks like a URL path component entry.
Class DelimitedListWidget A widget that represents a list as whitespace-delimited text.
Class TitleWidget A launchpad title widget; a little wider than a normal Textline.
Class SummaryWidget A widget to capture a summary.
Class DescriptionWidget A widget to capture a description.
Class NoneableDescriptionWidget A widget that is None if it's value is empty or whitespace..
Class WhiteboardWidget A widget to capture a whiteboard.
API Documentation for Launchpad, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:00:12.