b.t.p.TestCaseWithTree(TestCaseWithControlDir) : class documentation

Part of bzrlib.tests.per_tree View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: bzrlib.tests.per_intertree.TestCaseWithTwoTrees, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_annotate_iter.TestAnnotate, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_export.TestDir, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_export.TestTar, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_export.TestZip, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_get_file_mtime.TestGetFileMTime, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_get_file_with_stat.TestGetFileWithStat, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_get_root_id.TestGetRootID, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_get_symlink_target.TestGetSymlinkTarget, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_inv.TestInventory, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_inv.TestInventoryWithSymlinks, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_is_executable.TestIsExecutable, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_iter_search_rules.TestIterSearchRules, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_list_files.TestListFiles, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_locking.TestLocking, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_path_content_summary.TestPathContentSummary, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_revision_tree.TestRevisionTree, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_test_trees.TestTreeShapes, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestAnnotate, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestConflicts, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestExtractFilesBytes, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestExtras, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestFileContent, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestFileIds, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestGetFileSha1, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestGetFileVerifier, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestHasId, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestHasVersionedDirectories, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestIterEntriesByDir, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestPlanFileMerge, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestReference, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_tree.TestStoredKind, bzrlib.tests.per_tree.test_walkdirs.TestWalkdirs

No class docstring
Method make_branch_and_tree Undocumented
Method workingtree_to_test_tree Undocumented
Method get_tree_no_parents_no_content Make a tree with no parents and no contents from empty_tree.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_2 return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_3 return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_4 return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_5 return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_6 return a test tree with a, b/, e contents.
Method get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_7 return a test tree with a, b/, d/e contents.
Method get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_content_types Return a test tree with subdirs and all content types.
Method get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_supported_content_types Return a test tree with subdirs and all supported content types.
Method get_tree_with_utf8 Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
Method get_tree_with_merged_utf8 Generate a tree with utf8 ancestors.
Method _convert_tree helper to convert using the converter or a supplied one.
Method _make_abc_tree setup an abc content tree.
Method _create_tree_with_utf8 Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
def make_branch_and_tree(self, relpath):
def workingtree_to_test_tree(self, tree):
def _convert_tree(self, tree, converter=None):
helper to convert using the converter or a supplied one.
def get_tree_no_parents_no_content(self, empty_tree, converter=None):
Make a tree with no parents and no contents from empty_tree.
Parametersempty_treeA working tree with no content and no parents to modify.
def _make_abc_tree(self, tree):
setup an abc content tree.
def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.
def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_2(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.

        This variation changes the content of 'a' to foobar
def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_3(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with a, b/, b/c contents.

This variation changes the executable flag of b/c to True.

def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_4(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.

This variation renames a to d.

def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_5(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with d, b/, b/c contents.

        This variation renames a to d and alters its content to 'bar
def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_6(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with a, b/, e contents.

This variation renames b/c to e, and makes it executable.

def get_tree_no_parents_abc_content_7(self, tree, converter=None):
return a test tree with a, b/, d/e contents.

This variation adds a dir 'd' ('d-id'), renames b to d/e.

def get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_content_types(self):
Return a test tree with subdirs and all content types. See get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_supported_content_types for details.
def get_tree_with_subdirs_and_all_supported_content_types(self, symlinks):
Return a test tree with subdirs and all supported content types.
Some content types may not be created on some platforms
(like symlinks on native win32)

:param  symlinks:   control is symlink should be created in the tree.
                    Note: if you wish to automatically set this
                    parameters depending on underlying system,
                    please use value returned
                    by bzrlib.osutils.has_symlinks() function.

The returned tree has the following inventory:
    [('', inventory.ROOT_ID),
     ('0file', '2file'),
     ('1top-dir', '1top-dir'),
     (u'2utf\u1234file', u'0utf\u1234file'),
     ('symlink', 'symlink'),            # only if symlinks arg is True
     ('1top-dir/0file-in-1topdir', '1file-in-1topdir'),
     ('1top-dir/1dir-in-1topdir', '0dir-in-1topdir')]
where each component has the type of its name -
i.e. '1file..' is afile.

note that the order of the paths and fileids is deliberately
mismatched to ensure that the result order is path based.
def get_tree_with_utf8(self, tree):
Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
def _create_tree_with_utf8(self, tree):
Generate a tree with a utf8 revision and unicode paths.
def get_tree_with_merged_utf8(self, tree):
Generate a tree with utf8 ancestors.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.