b.p.n.parser : module documentation

Part of bzrlib.plugins.news_merge

Simple parser for bzr's NEWS file.

Simple as this is, it's a bit over-powered for news_merge's needs, which only cares about 'bullet' and 'everything else'.

This module can be run as a standalone Python program; pass it a filename and it will print the parsed form of a file (a series of 2-tuples, see simple_parse's docstring).

Function simple_parse_lines Same as simple_parse, but takes an iterable of strs rather than a single
Function simple_parse Returns blocks, where each block is a 2-tuple (kind, text).
def simple_parse_lines(lines):
Same as simple_parse, but takes an iterable of strs rather than a single str.
def simple_parse(content):
Returns blocks, where each block is a 2-tuple (kind, text).
Unknown Field: kindone of 'heading', 'release', 'section', 'empty' or 'text'.
Unknown Field: texta str, including newlines.
API Documentation for Bazaar, generated by pydoctor at 2022-06-16 00:25:16.